The Mystery of XmlNode.SelectNodes()

With the xml document found here and the following code, what will you get as the result?
Shortened version of the XML document:
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xDoc.NameTable);
nsMgr.AddNamespace("aws", xDoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
XmlNode offersNode = xDoc.SelectSingleNode("//aws:Offers[1]", nsMgr);
XmlNodeList formattedPriceNodes = offersNode.SelectNodes("//aws:FormattedPrice", nsMgr);
return formattedPriceNodes.Count;
Since formattedPriceNodes selects nodes under offersNode, I expected it to return 10.
But it returns 13!!!
That means it parses the whole document (xDoc), not just the node (offersNode).
The problem seems to be on the XPath expression.
Using // will parse the whole document.
To get all the matched descendant nodes, use ".//" or "descendant::".
Change the line with //aws:FormattedPrice to be as followed:
XmlNodeList formattedPriceNodes = offersNode.SelectNodes("descendant::aws:FormattedPrice", nsMgr);
The result is now 10 as expected. :D