However, since my blog contains many technical posts about C#, there is no doubt that "C#" is one of the tags floating around in Blogumus.
When clicking on the "C#" tag, it shows no result!!!
After messing around, I've found that Clicking on the default Blogger "C#" tag actuallly searches for "C%23" while clicking on the Blogumus "C#" tag searches for "C#".
With this JavaScript put at the beginning of the Blogger template, Blogumus "C#" tag is now (kind of) working properly.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var url = document.URL.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n");
var newUrl = url.replace('#', '%23');
if(newUrl != url){
document.location = newUrl;
I know it's kinda cheating but, well, it works :P