Two Great Firefox Extensions for RSS and Google Bookmark

The first extension I would like to recommend is RSS Ticker.  As you may have already known, Firefox can act as an RSS feed reader and you can just bookmark a feed as if it were a Web page.  RSS Ticker displays and scrolls a list of those feeds right under your menu bar.  Go ahead and give it a try.




That's it.  When there is a new post, you'll get notified right on your Firefox Hot

Another extension that I've found to be very very useful is Google Bookmark IncSearch.  As you browse across the Web and find some useful pages that you want to keep, one way is to bookmark it on Google Bookmark so that you can access your bookmarks from anywhere.  However, sooner or later, you will find yourself store TOO MANY bookmarks and just you don't seem to find what you want within your own bookmarks - even though you've well organized them.  And you probably end up with googling for what you want again -*-  Well, it would be nice if you can just search within your bookmarks if you know it IS there, wouldn't it?  Google Bookmark IncSearch can help.  OK.  That's enough for saying.  Give it a try and I'm sure you'll love it just as I do Happy
