In WSS 3.0, there are three (3) out-of -box security groups.
- Owners (Full-Control)
- Get full access to the entire site and its subsites.
- Members (Read/Write)
- Have "Contribute" permission level associated. This "Contribute" permission level gives members quite a bit of power and could be out of control sometimes.
- Members cannot see "Site Actions" button and those items hidden by an admin. However, by default, they CAN edit and delete an item created by an admin!!! ("Contribute" permission level)
- Visitors (Read-Only)
- Though visitors cannot see the "Site Actions" button, cannot do site personalization, and cannot edit or delete items, they, by default, CAN modify a shared document -*-
You can create your own SharePoint groups.
MOSS 2007 comes with more out-of-box groups.
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